Session Format: We will view the talks one after another with time to write questions in (code 41 87 47 6) between each, followed by a live Q&A session with the presenters
Speaker Affiliation: CU Denver, Mathematical and Statistical Science
Title: Introduction to a New Course for CU Denver: Math 1376 - Programming for Data Science
Speaker Affiliation: CU Denver, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Title: Data Science Degree Options in CU Denver's Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Department
Speaker Affiliation: CU Denver, Professor of Information System
Title: Programming Fundamentals with Python
Speaker Affiliation: UC Berkeley
Title: Student Teams in the Data Science Discovery Program
Speaker Affiliation: Auraria Library, Geospatial Services Specialist
Title: Sidecars for Curriculum: (Geospatial) Data Science Groups on Campus
Speaker Affiliation: Head of Data Science, Gigantum
Title: Teaching What Matters with Gigantum
Speaker Affiliation: Berkeley
Title: Jupyter Book: Interactive, Open Books from your Notebooks
Speaker Affiliation: CU Denver, Computer Science and Engineering
Title: How to Think Like a Data Scientist: An Introductory Course in Data Science Thinking
Speaker Affiliation: Louisiana State University
Title: Developing First Person, Active Learning Tools for the Next Generation of Leaders